
Blavity – How Singer Rebel Rae Is Breaking Through The Noise And Making Music For ‘We The People’

“Who am I to fight fate?” Rae said.

by Dominique Jackson

March 08, 2019 at 10:01 pmSinger Rebel Rae is an upcoming artist looking to break through the noise and capture the sound of this generation.

With notable musical heroes like Tracy Chapman, Bob Marley and Bob Dylan, Rae launched her first debut project in 2016 with the song “War Is Over.” Now she’s back with another project focused on echoing the rallying cry of today’s social justice movements. Her song “We The People,” featuring Deante’ Hitchcock, is set to be released on March 8, 2019. Rae said the song was inspired by her life experiences, but urges that the song’s substance is designed to ultimately serve those who feel unseen and unheard in today’s society.

“It’s about the people, and what I’ve witnessed and lived,” Rae told Blavity. “There aren’t enough modern hits on the fight the power playlist. There’s not enough reflecting of the times. I made the song I wanted to hear. It’s for those who want to feel powerful and motivated at the protest, rallies and marches — for when we need a reminder that things aren’t in a perpetual state of stagnation, but rather a state of change. It’s up to us to affect that change and the path in which it forms,” she added

Rae’s music is an extension of her journey. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., the Los Angeles transplant credits her musical interest to her grandfather.


“I was nine years old, sharing the piano bench with my grandpa in the house his father built in 1928, when he insisted that my voice is my instrument,” Rae said in a statement on her website.

Blavitize your inbox! Join our daily newsletter for fresh stories and breaking news.However, Rae has come a long way since performing at her grandfather’s bench. She performs regularly at venues throughout Los Angeles, and shared that her favorite aspect about being an artist is reaching people.

“This entire generation is fighting for their 15 minutes [of fame]. All I truly desire is to be heard by those who need to hear me. My goal is to reach the ears that need reaching and to find my army. If in that process I happen to fill up Madison Square Garden — well who am I to fight fate?” she said.

She also doesn’t shy away from the battles she experiences as an artist, and those emotions are evident in her music. Rae shared that she’s had to overcome mental health issues, and that a challenging aspect of her career is “sustaining mental health and clarity.”

Rae explained that while social media is beneficial, it also contributes to a lack of focus and anxiety.”Social media, streaming and globalization has changed everything. The system has been uprooted. Arguably, it means everyone has a chance now. It also means if you have something to sing, you need to sing it louder and different than everyone else. There’s so much noise these days,” she said.

“It feels like you have to walk into a trap, in order to be visible to those who want to see you,” Rae added.While pushing through the challenges she shared that creating music gives her a sense of “euphoria.”

“I feel my blood vibrating. It’s like your cells are talking to the universe, and the universe replies, ‘You did what you had to do,'” she said.Rebels Rae’s music can be found on streaming platforms and by visiting her website RebelRae.com. Watch her music video for “We The People” below:

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2023 Rebel Rae